School Information
Welcome to Hening Elementary School
Our History
J. G. Hening Elementary School was opened in September 1959. The school was named for an outstanding citizen of Chesterfield County, Mr. J. Garland Hening, who died Jan. 21, 1953, at the age of 85. A native of Powhatan County, Mr. Hening moved to Richmond in 1891 and became successful both in business and banking. Mr. Hening had a deep and abiding interest in the welfare of Chesterfield County, and a special concern for the quality of its educational system. He served for 17 years on the County School Board and for three terms as a member of the Board of Supervisors. The school has had four additions since its opening in 1959. An eight room addition was added to provide classrooms for the increased enrollment during the 1960-61 school session, and the kindergarten wing was added in 1968. In 1976, the new wing was built to house the first grades and a media center. In 1986, a gymnasium was completed and rooms designed for art and ceramics, music and special education were provided by interior renovation. Gifted students in grades three through five from twelve feeder schools in Chesterfield County have participated in a Center-Based Gifted program since September 1987. Air conditioning throughout the building was completed in 1993. During the 2002-03 school year, an additional wing of eight classrooms, along with an art room, music room and reading room was added. Offices and the kitchen were also renovated at this time.
Hening’s first principal was Mrs. Margaret Floyd. She served for two years, and was followed by Mrs. Constance Moore (1961-62), Mr. Alfred Parker (1962-65), Mr. Jack R. Dixon (1965-68), Mrs. Frances Wadkins (1968-84), Mr. Richard C. Lacy (1984-86), Ms. Toy D. Dowdy (1986-93), Mrs. Carol Dato (1993-96), Mr. Glen J. Dewire (1996-2001), Mr. Larry Caulder (2001-2006). Mr. Matthew Maher (2005 associate principal, 2006 – 2012), Mrs. Deia Champ (2012 -2015), Ms. Robin Morgan (interim 2014 – 2015). Dr. Bruce Fillman (2015-2021), and Mrs. Kristin Saady became principal July 1, 2021.
Contact Information
Phone: 804-743-3655
Fax: 804-743-3658
Clinic: 804-743-3657
Office Hours
Office Hours: 8 a.m.–4 p.m.
Bell Schedule
First Bell: 9:10 a.m.
Tardy Bell: 9:25 a.m.
Dismissal: 3:55 p.m.
3-Hour Early Release: 12:55 p.m.
School Stats
School Colors: Yellow and Black
School Mascot: Hornet